Benefits of Kanduni asana

Benefits of kanduni asana: This pose will give you strength your hand muscle and core muscle, tone up your muscle flexible on your hip joints, secrum joints..

Procedure : 1). 1st standing position, legs apart 1ft wide , then inhale raise your hands up and while exhale bend forword. 2. ) bend your right knee and try to right foot lock under your armpit .3.)while inhaling raise the buttocks up and simoultenouisly raise your leg to other side and try to feet pointing straight, and spine to head straight use your hand strength and core muscle and look front, as far as you can, and stay this pose from 20 to 30 seconds with deep breathing .4.) while exhaling slowly lower them down to the floor .

limitation:Those have wrist problem, near surgery of abdomen and mensuration time, or knee problem por any medical problem try to avoid doing this posture..

(Yoga Instructor : Ganesh Gochhikar .+6281218688672)

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